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Should You have further questions about payments, do not hesitate to contact us using our contact form:


If You choose to checkout with PayPal, Your payment data will be safely secured by PayPal.

Should You choose to transfer the money to us directly from Your bank account, You need not worry as we will handle Your payment as safely and efficiently as possible. However this may take more time to process Your order as we will need to ensure Your payment has been successful.


At this point in time, we accept PayPal payments and direct bank transfers.

Please note that payments made via PayPal are subject to PayPal’s terms and conditions.


Purchases made using PayPal ensure we can start processing Your order ASAP.

Direct bank transfers will put Your order on hold until we receive a confirmation that Your payment has reached us.


In case You end up changing Your mind or happen to be dissatisfied with Your order You reserve the right for a refund.

More information on refunds in our Terms of Sale.